
Sunday, June 13, 2010

DIY - Dining Area Makeover

This weekend Ii finally started my project „Beautiful Home“. The first room that gets a makeover is the living room with the included dinning space. My idea was to do something with the big white wall behind the dining table. I decided that it should be nice wallpaper.  And this weekend my boy-friend and I finally started. He was a huge help and he was very patient with me during the whole shopping process.  And here is the makeover.

I ordered beautiful wallpaper. See my post from last week.

Measure the space you want to put the wallpaper on. I wanted only a small part that is a little bit wider than our dining table.
I didn’t want the wallpaper to be directly on the wall. I wanted it to be on a wooden panel in order to step a little bit forward. Like a picture.  So we went to a supplies store and searched for adequate wooden panels. We found 4 panels that were used for laminate coverage and were not for sale. But a nice salesman sold it to us for only 1,00 € each. What a bargain! 

First paint all visible borders. I´ve chosen a color we have already on another wall in the living room and that is suitable with the wallpaper color as well. 


Drill a few holes in the panels and into the wall in order to fix the panels on the wall. We drilled 6 holes per panel. It depends how heavy and big your chosen panel is.

Smooth all holes and uneven borders to get an even underground.


In total we needed 3 length of wallpaper which we cut in advance to be sure that the pattern matched. Make sure that the wallpaper paste has the right texture put in on the wall and start with the first wallpaper length. 

It was very exciting to see how it took form. I am very happy how it turned out.  Now we have our own stylish dining area with a lounge feeling.  I am curious what our friends and family will say. 

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