
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Interior - Wallpaper

I was thinking about upgrading my white walls in the living room, especially where the dining place is. But I could not decide whether I want a self taken photo or a nice wallpaper. Finally I decides to try the wallpaper. I surfed through the internet searching for some that I can imagine on my wall. I must admit that there are a lot of beautiful (and expensive) wallpapers. I found some very interesting pages and blogs with a lot of inspiration. Here are some examples:

Today I ordered this wallpaper. I hope it will look great on my wall and in my living room.

This is a design of Lars Contzen (Lounge Nr. 265). It is called "Whispering Gras" I found it on . An example how it could looks like is here:


On this picture it is much lighter. I ordered the wallpaper in grey. I am so exited and hope the wallpaper will be delivered soon so that I can start with my project.

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